Family Additions - Work in Steel
After his discharge from the Navy in October 1945, Dad left Washington, DC and returned home to Pittsburgh
with his bride of 10 months. He immediately began working as a crane
operator in the US Steel Corporation's Duquesne Mill. In February of 1946 Dad proudly
welcomed the first of his three boys (Stan) into the family. Craig
was born twenty-two months later and with Dennis' arrival in late
1950, the Galik family was now complete.
Owning and Managing Private Businesses
When Dad's independent and entrepreneurial spirit could no longer be
constrained, he quit working in the steel mill and for the next 30 years, owned and managed small businesses.
Gasoline Stations - Used Car Sales
Putting Service into a Gasoline "Service" Station
Dad at one time owned 3 concurrently operating gasoline service stations
that included automotive repair services and regional AAA towing services.
Dad was innovative in his approach to running gasoline "service" stations
ensuring that "service" accompanying a customer's gasoline purchase
included an under the hood oil and fluid check, fan and alternator
belt checks and a thorough cleaning of all windows, outside mirrors and head
and tail lights (My have the times changed!!).

Duquesne, Pennsylvania
Above is a photo of Dad just after opening his first gasoline station
in Duquesne, PA in the 1950's. Dad continued in the gasoline station
and used car business until the late 1960's when he once again wanted
to try something new.
Female Attendants
Even though gasoline sold for 18.9 cents per gallon and Dad stressed
customer service, Dad always wanted to attract new customers to the
pumps knowing that additional demands for services (lubrication, brakes,
and other repair work) would result. To accomplish this, Dad was the
first service station owner in the area to hire female gasoline service
station attendants. Needless to say, more new customers were drawn
to his stations and business did grow. In the 1960's Dad added "Stan
Galik Sales and Service", a used car business to his enterprises.
Neptune Bar - Writing Poetry - Cooking for the Patrons
In the late 1960's Dad's last business venture was owning and
operating the Neptune Bar in Homestead, Pennsylvania. While at the Neptune, Dad also
had the opportunity to rekindle his interest in writing poetry and
use the cooking skills he learned while in the US Navy. However, Dad's declining
health and the stress of running a business caused him to sell the
business in the early 1980s. After a courageous battle with cancer, Dad passed away on August 4, 1987.