July 1943
Final Preparations
for Invasion of Sicily
July 1-5, 1943
The first few days of July were spent making final preparations for
the first invasion of foreign shores using the "New Ship of War",
the Landing Craft Infantry (Large). During this time LCI 35 conducted
speed trials, some shipmates attended school, 3 foot numbers (35)
were painted on both sides of the hull and the Commanding Officer
went ashore for final instructions before departing Bizerte for the
invasion of Sicily.

LCI 35 in Bizerte in Preparation for the Invasion of Sicily
Photo from Time Life Books
On July 5th Group 4 including LCI 35, joined Flotillas 1, 2, and 4
in loading soldiers and equipment aboard ships bound for Sicily. The
photo below shows the preparations that were underway in Bizerte.
Other information regarding the preparations is also below.

Preparing for the Invasion of Sicily
The photo of Bizerte Harbor above appears in the introduction of a video clip highlighting the 77th Medical Evacuation Hospital's preparation for the Sicily Invasion. Also shown in the short clip are LCIs underway for Sicily and the LCI 36 disembarking troops.
July 6-7, 1943
Sousse, Tunisia
At 0450 on July 6th, while
anchored in Bizerte Lake, LCI 35 noted that a plane was shot down
in the sea. The Group 4 War Diary noted that 3 planes were shot down
and several bombs just missed hitting LCIs 5 and 10.
At 0545 the convoy got underway with LCI 35 falling in a column behind
LCI 231. The ships passed an island and the entrance to Tunis harbor
at Cape Bon. At 2300 LCI 35 dropped anchor outside the entrance to
Sousse. The following morning at 0615 LCI 35 hoisted its anchor and
went into Sousse and tied alongside LCI 13 to allow the soldiers to
disembark at 0900. The soldiers disembarked with rations, water, guns
and ammunition probably to hike. At 1500 the soldiers returned and
LCI 35 got underway and dropped anchor in Sousse harbor.
July 8, 1943
Underway for Sicily
At 2300 on July 8th, the convoy for the invasion of Sicily got underway.
LCI 35 fell behind LCI 231 while underway. LCI 35 was part of the
force to land at Licata, Sicily.

From Samuel E. Morison's History of US Naval Operations in World War II
Operation "Husky"- Invasion of Sicily July 10th, 1943
Background Information
Additional detailed information on the Invasion of Sicily can be
found by visiting the
World War II Summaries for the Italy and Italian Campaigns.
In May 1943, the “Americans still wanted to concentrate
on planning the cross-Channel invasion of France, but at the Casablanca
Conference somewhat reluctantly agree to go ahead with the Sicily
landings.” The British were effective in demonstrating the need to
keep the Mediterranean open to Allied shipping. The final plan for
the landings were approved in mid-May and within a month the first
troop convoys headed across the Atlantic.
The following details are relevant for Flotilla 2 and USS LCI (L)
229 and USS LCI (L) 35 since these two ships participated in the Licata landings (JOSS Area Molla Attack Group). The map, obtained
from Vol. IX of Samuel Eliot Morison's History of US Naval Operations
in World War II, shows the landing area for the Molla Attack Group.

Gulf of Gela, South Coast
US 7th Army – General Patton (66,000 troops)
Tunisia (LCI 229 and LCI 35)
Rear Admiral H K Hewitt USN
5 Cruisers, 48 Destroyers, 98 other Warships, 94 Troopships,
Supply Ships LSIs, 190 Landing Ships and Craft
The LCI 35 was part of Task Group 86.8 of the Molla Attack Group (Green)
under the command of Imlay. Included in this reserve group were: LCI
32* which served as the Regimental Combat Team Headquarters Ship and
Flagship. Also included in this group were the following LCIs: 12, 13, 14, 35, 214, 215, 216, 219, 229, 231, 232*
LCI 33 served in the Replacement Group in case an LCI was needed due
to a last minute casualty.
*LCI 32 was sunk at Anzio on January 26, 1944 and LCI 232 was sunk
at Normandy on June 6, 1944

The LCI 33 underway out of Bizerte
leading another LCI
From the Deck Log of the USS LCI 35 (From National Archives)
July 9, 1943 (Friday)
0800 |
Still underway following the USS (L) 231.
Sailing in a column of eight LCIs |
1100 |
The sea is in a very rough condition |
1500 |
Sighted an Island off of our starboard bow |
1715 |
Passed Island off our starboard beam |
2015 |
Have separated into our respective groups
and convoys. We have separated into our group the Black and White.
The Island reported sighted at 1510 is the Island of Gozo. |
July 10, 1943 (Saturday)
0255 |
First gun flashes noted, off of our starboard.
We are proceeding at 1/3 and 2/3 speeds |
0900 |
Dropped anchor and waited with rest of reserve group for sailing
orders |
0940 |
Hoisted anchor and got underway to beach
and disembark troops |
1010 |
Beached but due to the formation of the beach were unable
to land but a few troops so had to move farther down the beach |
1030 |
Beached again and started landing troops
by small rubber boats. An amphibious truck aided us in taking
25 to 30 men ashore |
1100 |
All troops have been taken ashore and accounted for |
1140 |
Had tried to leave the beach but the short
anchor cable and the strong wind and heavy sea has forced us stern
first onto the beach |
1500 |
Have had air raids every hour or so since we have been on
the beach |
1850 |
L.C.I. 87 has come in to help us get off the beach |
1945 |
Are off the beach and heading seaward to anchor for the night |
2025 |
Have dropped anchor |
2040 |
Gun watches were secured but a watch was placed on the conning
tower, as look out and to ring general quarters -- The most important
are noticeable raids were mad[e] as follows: |
11 Air Raids lasting no more
than 2 minutes each occurred between 0515 on 10 July through 0910
on 11 July - The raids ranged from 2 to 9 planes (average of 5
planes per raid) |
July 11, 1943 (Sunday)
0800 |
Reveille for all hands. |
0840 |
One of the L.S.Ts here at Licata unloading was hit by a bomb
is exploding and fuel oil burning. |
0910 |
During this raid our ship was credited or
should receive credit for shooting down a German plane. |
0915 |
Anchor was hoisted and got underway heading for L.S.T. anchorage. |
1050 |
Have fallen in column and are following
USS L.S.T. #6 |
July 12, 1943
Return to Bizerte
At 0800 on July 12th, while still in the convoy with LSTs and with
fuel running low, a noticeable knock in the port engines was noted.
The sound appeared to be caused by a cable tangled around the shaft.
However, with "just enough fuel to make it" LCI 35 anchored in Bizerte
Lake at 1400. After performing routine duties at the docks in Bizerte
the ship anchored for the night in Bizerte Lake tied to PT Boat 217.
The Action Report that follows details the success of LCI (L) 35 in
shooting down 1 of the 3 planes that participated in the last air
raid noted in the ships deck log above
Operation Husky – Invasion of Sicily
July 14, 1943 - Anti-Aircraft Action Report
At Licata, Sicily Attacked by German Messerschmitt on 11 July 1943
Opened Fire and Destroyed Enemy Plane
Action Report by Commanding Officer of LCI #35 – Samuel P. Strickland
Anti-aircraft Action by Surface Ships July 11 Licata, Sicily, Attack
of 0910. Paragraph (11-23)
(1) At 0910 a German Messerschmitt 109 (similar to the one pictured
on the right) came converging down from a hill on a true heading of
approximately 270 degrees true, to make a run on our shipping, past
about 750 yards forward of our bow. No. 1 gun opened fire two points
off our port bow followed by the firing of NO. 2 and 3 guns as it
passed in their line of bearing off the starboard bow. Upon immediate
hit the plane attempted to make a vertical climb. At this time fire
was seen in the cockpit, the plane immediately looped over completely
out of control on a bearing of 315 degrees and crashed into the sea
at a distance of 1 mile and about 1 point off of our starboard bow.
(2) As it was noticed no other ship opened fire until plane made loop
and started down. It is definitely assumed that the gun fire from
our ship brought down the plane.
(3) Immediately following crash of the plane our ship steamed to spot
where the plane crashed and found nothing but large traces of oil
and gas slick.
- From National Archives

Photo of Earl Eichorn standing next to the marking signifying
the shooting down of the German Messerschmitt 109.

Photo of Clarence Robins standing next to the marking signifying
the shooting down of the German Messerschmitt 109.
July 15, 1943
More Beaching Exercises
At 0950 on Wednesday July 15th LCI 35 beached in the Lake Bizerte
area to test its port ramp. After testing the port ramp, the LCI 35
stayed on the beach with the ramp lowered. The crew performed routine
duties the next day and at 2000 one-half of the crew was granted liberty,
climbed aboard an Army truck, and attended Army movies. On Saturday
July 17th LCI 35 got underway from the beach and tied to the docks
in Bizerte when, after the men got paid at 1300, the ship returned
to the beach at 1500. The round trip to and from the beach and docks
was repeated on Sunday July 18th, but the LCI 35 then stayed on the
beach with its ramp lowered until Wednesday July 21st. The crew performed
routine duties on Wednesday until work was stopped at 1300 due to
the extremely hot weather (Deck Log indicated that it was 88 degrees
at 1200). The LCI 35 was informed that it was to accompany a convoy
the next day so the LCI 35 moved to deeper water and anchored for
the night at 1850.
Other Ship References in LCI 35 Deck Log
During the period July 15th to July 21st
the LCI 35 Deck Log contained notations related to the following LCIs
or other ships: LCI 32, and PT Boat 217.
July 22 - August 15, 1943
Repairs - Tunis, Tunisia
(At La Goulette)
At 0510 on Thursday July 22nd LCI 35 got underway for Tunis, Tunisia
following LCI 11 and arriving at 1530 where she tied up to the barges
in Tunis. LCI 35 remained in Tunis for repairs until August 15th when
she returned to Bizerte.
During the time spent in Tunis, the ship's port ramp was ordered removed
and given as a replacement to another LCI on July 29th and other repairs
were delayed until August 3rd due to the unavailability of spare parts.
LCI 35 entered dry dock on August 8th where work began on the screws
and shafts. During this same time the ship's hull was painted. Work
on the ship was completed on Saturday August 14th. While in Tunis,
the crew of LCI 35 were granted liberty whenever possible.
General Alarm
On Saturday August 7th at 0430 a general alarm was sounded, but the
LCI 35 did not fire her guns since the bombing attack appeared to
be in the vicinity of Bizerte Lake.
Other Ship References in LCI 35 Deck Log
During the period July
22nd to August 14th the LCI 35 Deck Log contained notations related
to the following LCIs or other ships: LCI 11, LCI 88, HM LCI 313, LCI
232, LCI 9, LCI 95, HMS ML1163, and US SC 691.
July 1943 |
Other WW II Action and Notable Events |
July 19, 1943 |
Allied air forces raided Rome. |
July 22, 1943 |
American Forces led by Gen. George S. Patton captured Palermo, Sicily |
July 25, 1943 |
Benito Mussolini was dismissed as premier of Italy by King Victor Emmanuel III, and placed under arrest. (Mussolini was later rescued by the Nazis, and reasserted his authority. |
July 28, 1943 |
President Roosevelt announced the end of coffee rationing. |
August 1943 |
Other WW II Action and Notable Events |
August 1, 1943 |
Race-related rioting erupted in New York's Harlem section, resulting in several deaths. |
August 2, 1943 |
A Navy patrol torpedo boat, PT-109 commanded by Lt. John F. Kennedy, sank after being rammed by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri of the Solomon Islands. (The future president was credited with saving members of the crew; he was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for heroism, and also received the Purple Heart for injuries he had received. |
August 3, 1943 |
Gen. George S. Patton slapped a private at an army hospital in Sicily, accusing him of cowardice. (Patton was later ordered by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to apologize for this and second similar episode). |
August 15, 1943
Return to Bizerte,
Tunisia - Eclipse of the Moon Noted
At 0805 on Sunday August 15th LCI 35 left dry dock in Tunis and got
underway for Bizerte arriving and anchoring in Bizerte Lake at 1840
tied to LCI 32. At 2100 an eclipse of the moon was noticed by the
On Monday August 16th LCI 35 tied up to LCI 32 both in Bizerte Lake
and at the docks in Bizerte. In addition, LCI 35 tied up to the repair
USS Delta in Bizerte Lake.