October - December 1943
October 9, 1943
Cargo Inspection Duties
Completed - Taking Troops to Naples, Italy
After completing their inspection duties and transferring Lt. Hays
to LCT 199 on Saturday October 9th, LCI 35 took on troops, anchored
for the night and got underway for Naples at 0600 on October 10th.
LCI 35 arrived in Naples and tied to LCI 216 at 1145 and later to
LCI 45. Liberty was granted to one-third of the crew from 1400 to
2000 hours.
October 11 - 20, 1943
Naples, Italy
LCI 35 got underway in a convoy of 5 LCTs to Naples at 0800 on Monday
October 11th. Lt. Hays was picked up from
LCI 196 after LCI 35 dropped anchor in the Bay of Salerno at 1550. At
1730 LCI 35 joined in a convoy of 6 LCTs (one in tow) sailing for
Naples. On Tuesday at 1005 LCI tied up in Capri but only stayed about
an hour before getting underway for Naples at 1120 where she tied
up to Pier "A" at 1340. On Wednesday October 13th at 0930 LCI 35 was
beside HMS Hilary. LCI 35 remained in Naples until October 20th where
she was called upon on two occasions to transport troops to a small
island north of Naples.

German and Italian Prisoners Unloaded from LST 351 in Naples*
*These prisoners were taken aboard at Anzio in 1944.
This photo appeared in the July 1944 "National Geographic Magazine."
October 12, 1943
Captain Lorenzo
Sherwood Sabin, Jr. Transfers Command
E.W. Wilson
- New Flotilla Two Commander
On October 12th Captain Lorenzo Sherwood
Sabin, Jr. transferred Command of Flotilla Two to E.W. Wilson. Captain
Sabin made these comments before transferring his command:
...Nothing would please me more than to continue with Flotilla
Two. They are a fine bunch of sturdy little fighting ships with
an inspiring bunch of fighting American men. Big men in little ships.
We don't have all of them we started with...But our losses have
been amazing light...One ship lost [LCI 1] and not more than twenty
[men wounded] out of a total of 30 ships with approximately 105
officers and about 800 men. I mean MEN!!!...
- Personal War Notes - Commander Lorenzo Sherwood Sabin, Jr.
Captain Sabin made these comments on his replacement who he felt
was the best man for the job in taking over Flotilla Two. He said
of E.W. Wilson:
...The Pittsburgh banker is tops all the way and
plenty of guts. He's earned the command of the Flotilla...He'll
do a fine job and the Flotilla will go on to greater glory under
his command...
- Personal War Notes - Commander Lorenzo Sherwood Sabin, Jr.
October 18, 1943
Troops to Small Island North of Naples
On Monday October 18th, LCI 35 tied up to one of 2 British LCIs
and with these British LCIs took on troops from a Liberty ship
for transportation to a small island north of Naples* where 235
troops were disembarked at 1140. LCI 35 returned to Naples and
tied up to an Italian ship at 1630.
*The small island may have been the Island of Ventotene
that is Northwest of Naples.

October 20
-25, 1943
to Palermo, Sicily and Back to Bizerte (La Percherie), Tunisia
LCI 35 got underway for Palermo on Wednesday
October 20th to lead a convoy of 10 LCTs and 1 YMS in tow. After
passing the Isle of Capri, the ship arrived in Palermo on Thursday
and tied up to
190. Friday, the crew performed general and routine duty and
those eligible were granted Liberty. LCI 35 departed Palermo for
Bizerte at 0600 on Saturday October 23 in a convoy that now consisted
of 15 LCT and 1 YMS. While still underway on Sunday, LCI 35 had
LCT 207 in tow since she could not keep up with the convoy. At
1030 on Sunday the coast of Africa was visible over the horizon.
The convoy arrived in La Percherie at 0930 on Monday October 25th
where John Laga* reported for duty and H.L. Phillips transferred
from the ship for return to the USA.
*John Laga became
one of Dad's closest friends, a friendship that began during the
war and continued thereafter. John was also responsible for many
of the photos that appear throughout this site and many personal
photos of John, his brother, and others remain with Dad's World
War II collection.
October 26-28, 1943
More Troops Aboard
for Transportation to Nisida
After performing routine duties on Tuesday October 26th more troops
came aboard for transportation to Nisida. At 1730 LCI 35 got underway
and traveled to Nisida arriving at 1205 on Thursday October 28th
and tied to LCI 217 where she unloaded all troops aboard. LCI
35 did not stay in Nisida but joined a convoy headed to Palermo,
October 30, 1943
Palermo, Sicily
Arriving in Palermo on Saturday October 30th LCI 35 docked alongside
LCI 218 and remained there on Sunday October 31st. The crew performed
routine duties on these days, and one-third of the crew were granted
liberty on both days.
October 1943 |
Other WW II Action and Notable Events |
October 1, 1943 |
Allied forces entered Naples. |
October 10, 1943 |
Chiang Kai-shek took the oath of office as president of China. |
October 13, 1943 |
Italy declared war on Germany, its one-time Axis partner. |
November 1943
November 1 - 2 , 1943
Bizerte, Tunisia
On Monday November
1st at 1615 LCI 35 was on the move again. This time headed back
to Bizerte in a convoy of 5 other LCIs being escorted by 2 Sub
chasers and a YMS.
At 1300 on Tuesday November 2nd LCI 35 tied up to LCI 232* and
brought spare parts from storeroom and 3 barrels of oil aboard.
The following day C.L. Camberg, RM 3/c reported aboard for duty
and welders came aboard to repair the lifeline stanchions.
* LCI 232 sunk on June 6, 1944 at Normandy
November 3 -10, 1943
British Nurses
Aboard for Transportation to Taranto, Italy
At 1600 on Wednesday November 3rd Ensign Russell reported aboard
for temporary duty and at the same time British Nurses and F.A.N.Y
women came aboard for transportation to Taranto, Italy. LCI 35
anchored for the night in Bizerte Lake but before getting underway
for Toranto had to return to the docks at La Percherie (tied to
LCI 195) to allow William Lee, MoMM 1/c to go ashore to sick bay.
At 1230 LCI 35 finally got underway for the long trip to Toranto
in a convoy of 10 LSTs. While still underway on Saturday November
6th all ships in the convoy held a 15-minute gun practice. After
anchoring in Augusta (Sicily) Harbor for a short time on Sunday
November 7th, LCI 35 was again underway in the convoy for Taranto
where she arrived and docked at 1205 on November 9th and the British
Nurses left the ship. Liberty to one-third of the crew was granted
until 2100. The following day, after moving to another position
and tied to LCI 272 at the docks, the F.A.N.Y. women left the
ship at 1225. At 1420 LCI 35 joined a convoy of 6 LSTs (one joined
at 2000) for the return trip to Bizerte
November 11, 1943
Return to Bizerte, Tunis, Tunisia
Armistice Day Observance / Port Generator Failure and
Floating Mine Sited
On November 11th while still underway to Bizerte, Sicily was noticed
on the horizon to the north at 0700. At 1200 a 2-minute period
of silence was observed in honor of Armistice Day (Now Veterans
Day). The following day, while still underway for Bizerte, the
port generator shut off and the lights to the ship went out for
a minute before the ship switched to the starboard generator.
The port generator was found to have two faulty injectors that
were repaired. At approximately a floating mine was sighted to
port. LCI 35 continued on to Bizerte passing the Isle of Zemba
off the port side before dropping anchor because of bad weather
in the Gulf of Tunis near the south side of C. Farina. On Sunday
November 14th at 1415 LCI 35 finally tied up to LCI 211 at the
docks in La Percherie. William Lee was discharged from sick bay
and returned to the ship and two barrels of lube oil was brought
November 15, 1943
Crew Get Immunization
On Monday November 15th and Wednesday November 17th three pharmacists
came aboard to give the officers and crew immunization shots for
typhoid, typhus, and tetanus.
November 17, 1943
More Troops to
On Wednesday November 17th the crew got paid and 6 sailors came
aboard followed by Army Troops to be transported to Nisida. At
1330 LCI 35 got underway in a convoy of 9 LCIs, 5 LSTs, 2 Liberty
Ships, 2 Sub chasers, 1 PC and 2 AM. The convoy continued underway
on Thursday November 18th before arriving in Nisida at 1050 on
Friday November 19th. While tied to
221 and LCI 217 at the docks, the soldiers disembarked at
1105. LCI 35 got underway immediately for Naples where she docked
at 1242 tied to LCI 232*. (Although not documented in the deck
log, the 6 sailors that came aboard in Bizerte probably left the
ship in Naples)
LCI 35 only stayed in Naples for about 4 hours, but one-third
of the crew was given liberty until 1610 and Ensign Russell who
came aboard on November 3rd was released of his temporary duty
aboard the ship. LCI 35 got underway to return to the Bizerte
area in a convoy of 9 LCIs, 5 LCTs, 3 YMS, 1 PC and 1 Sub chaser.
LCI 35 continued underway on Sunday November 21st and passed the
Isle of Zemba to port with the shore of Africa sighted on the
horizon. At 1355, the ship dropped anchor in Bizerte Harbor.
* LCI 232 sunk on June 6, 1944 at Normandy
November 22 - 27, 1943
Troops to Naples
On Monday November 22nd LCI 35 tied up to LCI 11 at La Percherie,
loaded mail for ships stationed in Naples and loaded Army troops
and 2 sailors, but it was not until 0940 the next morning (November
23rd - Dad's 21st Birthday) that she got underway in a convoy
of LSTs, PC, VM, Italian Destroyer Escorts and LCIs.
Mine Sited - Air Raid and Heavy Action
Upon entering the Bay of Naples LCI 35 sighted a mine but continued
on to the docks where she tied up to LCI 196 and unloaded all
troops. Although 3 air raids ensued and heavy action occurred
in the vicinity of the harbor, LCI 35 did not fire any of her
guns and anchored in Naples Harbor for the night tied to LCI 8.
November 28 - 29, 1943
On Sunday November
28th LCI 35 went to the docks and tied to a Navy Salvage ship
where mail destined for Bizerte and supplies for LCI 9 were brought
aboard. At 1630 Gartman and Urzeni (sailors) came aboard for transportation
back to Bizerte. At the same time another air raid occurred but
no action was reported. At 1745 LCI 35 anchored in Naples Harbor
tied up to LCI 8 and LCI 9 where the supplies for LCI 9 were transferred.
On Monday November 29th at 1125 R.M. Roger SA C/Mx British Petty
Officer came aboard for transportation to Bizerte. Finally LCI
35 got underway for Bizerte.
November 1943 |
Other WW II Action and Notable Events |
November 20, 1943 |
U.S. Marines began landing on Tarawa and Makin atolls in the Gilbert Islands, encountering fierce resistance from Japanese forces but emerging victorious three days later. |
November 22, 1943 |
President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek met in Cairo, Egypt to discuss measures for defeating Japan. |
November 23, 1943 |
U.S. forces seized control of Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese. |
November 26, 1943 |
The HMT Rohna, a British transport ship carrying American soldiers was hit by a German missile off Algeria; 1,138 men were killed, including 1,015 American troops. |
November 28, 1943 |
President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin began conferring in Tehran. |
November 30 - December 1, 1943
Return to Bizerte,
Tunis, Tunisia
On Wednesday December
1st LCI 35 docked at La Percherie alongside
18 and the sailors from Naples left the ship. LCI 35 remained
in Bizerte for only for a few days before getting underway again.
On December 2nd G.R. Drost, Sea 2/c, E. Drugen Sea 2/c, and C.F.
Loux SM 1/c came aboard to be transported to Palermo, Sicily.
However, on Saturday December 4th after the crew got paid, oranges,
Army rations and troops came aboard for transportation for Nisida,
December 5, 1943
Underway and Docking
in Nisida and Naples, Italy
Addition of Ensign Lowell E. Miller and S 2/c George Berkley
to LCI 35
On Sunday December
5th food supplies to be transported to LCI 32 in Naples, Italy
and mail for
237 were brought aboard for transportation. Lowell E. Miller,
Ensign reported for duty aboard LCI 35 at 1405 as did George Berkley
S 2/c at 1450. Mr. Gibson, Ensign also came aboard for transportation
to Palermo and Mr. Sisk HP Ensign was relieved of duty and left
the ship. At 1805 the LCI 35 was in a convoy bound for Nisida
arriving at 1015 on Tuesday December 7th tied to LCI 37 where
all troops were unloaded at 1045 and the ship got underway for
Naples arriving at 1310 where the food supplies for the LCI 32
tied alongside were unloaded. Liberty was granted for a third
of the crew until 1800.
December 8-9, 1943
Palermo, Sicily
After getting underway from Naples on Wednesday December 8th,
LCI 35 arrived in Palermo in the morning and by 0910 all hands
were engaged in general repairs and chipping and painting the
ship. Mail for LCI 237 and 211 were taken off the ship and the
four passengers coming aboard in Bizerte left the ship.
December 10, 1943
British and Italian
Officer and American Troops to Naples, Italy
LCI 35 made another trip to Naples, Italy getting underway at
1615 on December 10th in a convoy with LCI 211, LCI 217 and a
Sub chaser headed to Naples with a pontoon barge in tow, and troops
and a British and an Italian Officer on board. Arriving in Naples
on Sunday December 12th, LCI 35 tied to the British LCT 549 and
at 1320 unloaded the troops and Officers. One-third of the crew
was granted liberty until 1700.
December 13, 1943
Return to Palermo, Sicily
LCI 35 departed Naples at 1200 on Monday December 13th for her
return trip to Palermo, Sicily in a convoy of 2 LCIs and 1 Sub
chaser escort. Arriving on Tuesday December 14th, LCI 35 tied
to LCI 211 at 0710. The crew returned to general cleaning duties
and continued chipping and painting the ship. Liberty was granted
to one-third of the crew until 1800. The LCI 35 stayed in Palermo
until December 20th where the crew continued to chip and paint
the ship, perform general and routine duties. Liberty was granted
to different groups of shipmates throughout this time. Below are
photos taken while the crew was granted liberty.


December 19 - 21, 1943
To Licata, Sicily
to Load Soldiers Bound for Naples, Italy
On Sunday December 19th LCI 35 tied to an Oil Tanker to take on
oil and returned to its former position in Palermo at the docks
tied to LCI 217. The next day at 1820 the LCI 35 got underway
in a convoy with LST 376*, LCI 211 and 2 Sub chasers to load troops
in Licata and transport them to Licata, Sicily. On Tuesday December
21st LCI 35 went through the Straits of Messina and arrived in
Licata at 1015 on Wednesday December 22nd tied to LCI 211. The
soldiers came aboard at 1415 and LCI 35 got underway in a convoy
at 1615 sailing for Naples, Italy.
*The LST 376 was torpedoed and sunk by a German surface craft in the English Channel on 9 June 1944.
December 21, 1943
Collision with
British Cruiser While Headed to Naples
Troops Still Aboard
Deck Log Account
*At 0501Collided with British Cruiser. Collision was unavoidable
as British cut across our bow-Starboard to Port. Damage confined
to forepeak. Proceeded with convoy after determining ship was
seaworthy. Approximate position - Lat 36˚21' - Long 15˚33'
The footnote in the Deck Log provided additional information:
*At approximately 0450, two flashes from a light seen broad on
our starboard bow. Approximately 0455A, unidentified British Cruiser
observed heading at convoy. Considered to be coming at LST. Upon
observation that unidentified Cruiser was still maintaining collision
course, made an emergency turn to port. Lack of time to complete
turn forced us to back down two-thirds and [?] full on both engines.
When we started to turn to starboard when she hit us as we were
backing away from her. After Cruiser passed by she asked us the
extent of our damage and our number. We then challenged her but
received no reply.
December 24-31, 1943
Turkeys for Christmas
Naples, Italy - Back to Palermo, Sicily
On Christmas Eve, LCI 35 tied up to LCI 211 and unloaded the troops
in Naples and got underway for Palermo where she arrived and docked
on Christmas Day at 0900. At 1020 three turkeys were brought aboard
for the crew to enjoy. (Naturally, Dad as the Ships Cook would
have to prepare them for the officers and crew.) The LCI 35 stayed
in Palermo for the rest of the month where the crew continued
to perform general and routine duties and started painting the
ship. Maintenance and repair crews came aboard on several occasions
to repair the bow damaged as a result of the ship's collision
with the British Cruiser. While in the repair dock on Tuesday
December 28th LCI 35 transferred 5000 gallons of fuel to an out
of fuel gasoline tanker, the
AOG 16
GUYANDOT. Later that day, LCI 35 tied up to LCT 223. Liberty
was granted to the crew when feasible during the week. On New
Years Eve LCI 35 tied electric to LCT 205 supplying them with
December 1943 |
Other WW II Action and Notable Events |
December 1, 1943 |
President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin concluded their Tehran conference. |
December 24, 1943 |
President Roosevelt appointed Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower supreme commander of Allied forces as part of Operation Overlord. |