March 20, 1944 - Prayers - Horrors
of War - On Being an American
"...Thought I'd celebrate today and the "Skipper"
let me. Went to a church over here in Italy and went to confession
and followed with Communion. The Padre is a good friend of the Captain's...Gee!
I never thought I could say so many prayers and mean them. Guess a
war can sure change a person's ideas. The Padre gave me a crucifix
and a little round picture of Christ which he said a prayer over...Then
after we'd...finished he offered me a cake and some Cherry Brandy
which was from the Orphanage he was in charge of. Honestly sis I'm
so thankful I and the family and kids are Americans. Sort of sound
like a politician but after seeing these horrors of war and the results
I sure give thanks and pray it never happens to our country...Oh by
the way, I received the cigarettes Milton sent me a long time ago.
They were sent to 232 when I was around Oran (April - June 1943).
Finally reached me. Thank him for me and I sure bet he thought I didn't
appreciate it - I did - not only the cigarettes but the thought behind