April 2, 1944 - Birth of Sister
Mae's Second Child
V-Mail - Italy
"...Just heard from Vic (Dad's
sister) and she told me all about the bundle
of joy (Birth of Mae's second child).
True, I myself sort of wanted to be an uncle to a boy but guess I'm
really prepared for a niece again. I'm glad for you honestly and know
darn right well I'll now have two favorite nieces. When Lynda was
born I was in New Mexico (Civilian Conservation Corps)
if you remember-shortly afterward I came
home. Let's hope this is a repetition of the same...Blondie's as ever
been writing me every day. I don't think that should interest you,
but when a guy thinks so much of a girl he sure wants all to know
it. Two-to-one my first child (my wife's) is a boy..."