January 27, 1944 - The Invasion
of Italy at Anzio
"...Well we've done it again and here is why
I hadn't written. Once again in an invasion. This time south of Rome.
You probably read more than I can tell you in the papers. It wasn't
a picnic by a long shot and the Germans had us out of bed a lot. All
over but the shouting for a while, so let's hope that shortened the
war by a long time. Sure caught the Jerries by surprise though. Wasn't
till the next morning that hell broke loose and at that it wasn't
too bad. Any way they turn they have an American waiting. Sure was
scared a little I guess but when we saw our planes on patrol we sure
felt better . In the invasion of Salerno I don't believe I told you
that I did a silly thing. Had some peanuts and in battle I'm first-aid,
so while I'm watching the fireworks I'm eating nuts. One came close
and you should have seen the peanuts go rather fast. In this one I
had some of the Orange tabs you'd sent. Instead of sucking I guess
I sort of swallowed some of them whole. Leastwise, I had a strange
feeling in the pit of my stomach and so I sort of figure they caused
it...but now that another invasion came off I'm glad I was in on it
again...I'm luckier than a lot of guys. They can't get a chance to
see what I'm seeing and now I can brag where they can't. (Sure conceited