February 12, 1944
- Life and War
Bizerte, Africa
"...Thinking it over I believe
life at times is silly. Take this war now-wasted years in one's so
short period of existence. One man without a brain [Adolf Hitler]
tries to prove it to the world and does!...People said I was crazy
when I left home to go to New Mexico [to join the Civilian Conservation
Corp]. Did it cause I felt that someday I'd have to go it for myself.
Joined the Navy cause I wanted to be in it too. Life is short and
uninteresting unless one does as he or she likes. I hate charity and
want to be that somebody in the Galik family [so that we] can have
what we've always wanted..."
As a follow up to this V-Mail since writing space is limited on V-Mails,
Dad sent another note on the same day and mentioned that "Blondie"
wrote and said she noticed "Jay's name in the
paper as one of the wounded. If in any way the truth give me the details.
I'm hoping it was someone else, but don't hold anything from me. Boy
I've really been lucky in that way..."

Brothers Andy (L) and Jay (R)
Andy served
aboard LST 218 in the Pacific and Jay was with the Seabees stationed
in Hawaii where they met on several occasions during the war.
The photo above was taken on one of those occasions.