January 15 - February
23, 1943
New York City-
January 24 - January 30, 1943
Home on Leave
Dad took leave and visited home knowing that this would probably be
the last time he would be able to see his family and girl friend "Blondie"
until after the war. During this week at home Dad would walk and take
the trolley from Braddock just to visit Blondie at her home in Baldwin
Township. On January 30th Dad returned to New York and waited for
his overseas orders.
Dad did not write his sister during his stay in New York, probably
because he was really enjoying himself and not worrying about the
war that he and his crew were about to enter.
Fun at the Aquarium
The photos on the right and the others that follow were taken in February
1943 at the Aquarium in New York City prior to the LCI (L) 229 departing
for Little Creek, Virginia. According to Frank Carchedi, a shipmate
of my father, the Aquarium was located in Times Square and was a popular
spot for soldiers and sailors to relax with good food and drink. Pictured
left to right in the photo (top left) are Eugene Beach on the left,
Stanley Galik (Dad) in the middle, and Rayburn Wallace on the right.
The photo below of Dad
and John Slade was taken on February 8, 1943 probably after Dad listened
to Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians playing "Victory Tunes". The
ticket stub for the 10:50 pm show at the Vanderbilt Theater is shown
on the right.

Stanley Galik and John Slade
Below are several photos of LCI (L) 229 shipmates graciously provided
by Frank Carchedi, QM 1C pictured on the right. These photos also
were taken at the Aquarium during the time that the LCI (L) 229 was
in New York City.

LCI 229 Sailors - Roger Phillips, an unidentified shipmate,
John Slade and Frank Carchedi (holding the glass).

LCI 229 Sailors in this photo are: Left Side:
John Slade (front), Gerald Dolezal (middle), and Eugene Beach (rear).
Right Side: Joseph Jones (front), Roger Phillips (middle), and William
Dorsey (standing in the rear).
Other New York City Sites

Added Information on SS City of Flint
The City of Flint, on October 9, 1939, became the first American ship
captured by the Germans when the pocket battleship Deutschland seized
the ship and its cargo. The City of Flint, although clearly marked
as a neutral ship and carrying general cargo from New York to Great
Britain, was ordered stopped by the Germans and taken to Norway. Norwegian
commandos eventually freed her and she returned to duty until she
was sunk on January 23, 1943.
Chin's Restaurant

Dad invariably sought out good places
to "Eat, Drink, Be Merry" while in New York as the post card above
highlights. Dad sent this post card of Chin's Restaurant to his brother
Andy with the following message:
Hi Brother, Just another card to save for
me. Still alright. And always having fun. Give my love to all and
write if you can. Bye now, "Gay"