To Dad With Love
Still Missed
Dad was proud to have served his country in the US Navy, especially
aboard the USS LCI (L) 35. He enjoyed his Navy experience overall,
but he especially liked the "romance and adventure" that his travels
would bring. Dad often boasted to family and friends of being in places
that "geography" classes could only describe. He valued his experience
aboard the LCI 35, where he developed friendships and worked closely
with his other shipmates in getting the job done -- a job they did
very well without receiving or expecting anything in return.
During the war he expressed his fears, hopes, and dreams for the future. Although he was scared at
times, like others that saw the horrors of war, he just did his part to protect our freedom, values, and way of life.
Finally, Dad was
also fortunate to marry Blondie, the girl he first met at Kennywood Park and with whom he fell in
love before going off to war.
I hope I have honored his memory and accomplished what Dad would have
"...Do me honor - do but deed, Do proud
lineage - do proud the seed..."
Stanley G. Galik ("Dad's" Son)
September 2002

To honor Dad's patriotism and his love of country, the Star Spangled Banner, Pledge of Allegiance, and America are presented below.